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Spotlight on OH&S: Putting You and Your Mental Health FIRST – Updates on Psychological Safety in the Nursing Workplace

By Nicole Thrasher RN, BScN, ACCN
115 Secretary
OHS Committee

You report to work today, exhausted.

For the last 5 shifts that you were working, you either had to miss your breaks or extend your shift because of high workload and understaffing. You had to leave (potentially) sick kids at home with family or, with uncertainty, bring them to your childcare provider (sometimes, even at last minutes’ notice). Despite all of these pressures – in and out of the workplace – you still show up at work to be present to your patients.

When was the last time you checked in with your psychological self at work?

How often are we carrying the weight of having to be a loving parent, a dependable spouse, a caring friend, in addition to being a safe, competent and reliable care provider and co-worker? With all the pressures and emotional turmoil that the workplace can bring, are we still able to report to work as our complete and true selves?

In a Just Workplace Culture that encourages us to speak openly about the safety issues we face, do we feel that we are equipped and able to do so?

Have you considered reporting your workplace stressors for the impact that it’s having on your mental well-being? Did you know that you can?

The concept of psychological safety, particularly in healthcare, is at the forefront of many discussions within Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and with the Employer.

Generally speaking, Psychological Safety is defined as “protection of our mental health”. This would include: 1) recognizing psychological hazards in the workplace, 2) feeling safe to report them and 3) supporting one another to promote, prevent and correct these hazards.

Incidents of psychological injury towards staff are on the rise. However, it is because of yourreporting of these concerns that we are gaining momentum on many fronts.

Despite all the pressures that you face in the workplace, I would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU, the UNA membership, for bringing your safety concerns forward through the UNAOH&S reporting process and AHS MySafetyNet. We have heard you. Without reporting, we would not have understood the extent of your concerns, nor know what you need in order to build a psychologically healthier workplace.

You have told us that:

  • Unsafe (short) staffing and high workloads are causing increasing amounts of stress to workers.

  • Workplace bullying and harassment is still a concerning and prevalent issue.

  • Threatening behaviours from patients and visitors are increasing and impacting your ability to work safely.

  • Inadequate security coverage and lengthy response times are causing increasing fear and anxiety among staff.

  • Ongoing organizational change is causing heightened feelings of stress and uncertainty.

Because of the impact that these concerns has had on the wellbeing of workers, your Local 115 OH&S committee is advocating strongly for solutions like:

  • Mandatory Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training for staff.

  • Increased security presence and transparent reporting of any (security) data that may concern staff safety.

  • Greater police presence and stronger relationships with the Calgary Police Service.

  • Improved education for staff on the hazards present in your areas and the means to control them (HIAC).

  • Enforcement of “zero tolerance for abuse” policies, with support from Protective Services.

  • Enhanced debriefing processes for staff.

UNA will continue to ensure that your concerns will be heard among all levels of leadership at both the FMC site and at the Provincial Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee.

Please continue to submit your psychological safety concerns. Your Local 115 OH&S Committee is dedicated and prepared to assist you through the reporting process. Our goal is to promote and protect the value of psychological wellbeing within the workplace – we cannot do this without your engagement.

Small ripples create big waves and effect change. Together we can build a psychologically safe environment which all of us can thrive in.

In solidarity, 

At your side, on your side

Nicole Thrasher RN, BScN, ACCN
UNA Local 115 Secretary
UNA Local 115 OH&S Committee Representative
Office: (403) 670-9960
Work Cell: (825) 251-5611
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30