14 days notice for changes to on-call period

Sunday Spotlight 🔦on your UNA Contract. Visit the UNA.ca Spotlight page to download posters of UNA Spotlights on your Collective Agreement.

Article 9: On-Call Duty/Call Back

14 days notice for changes to on-call period

14 days notice for changes to on-call period

Under Article 9.02 (a) (ii) of the United Nurses of Alberta Provincial Collective Agreement, an Employee will receive at least 14 days notice by their Employer when changes are made to the Employee’s on-call period.

If an Employee is not given at least 14 days notice, the Employee shall receive two times the on-call rate of pay for the first changed on-call period.

If the on-call period is during a regular workday Employees should be paid $6.60 for all hours during the first period of on-call affected. If the on-call period is during a day of rest or a Named Holiday Employees should be paid $9.00 for all hours during the first period of on-call affected.

The article also stipulates that the change will be recorded on the on-call duty roster.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your UNA local executive or Labour Relations Officer at 1-800-252-9394.

Member engagement highlighted in UNA Nurses Week Challenge

United Nurses of Alberta was thrilled to announce the winners of the 2023 Nurses Week Member Engagement Challenge at this month's UNA Annual General Meeting in Edmonton.

To recognize the work of UNA Locals, UNA invited locals to submit examples of member engagement efforts created and used during this year’s Nurses Week, which took place from May 8, 2023 to May 14, 2023

The theme of this year’s Nurses Week challenge was the 3Rs: Respect, Retain and Recruit. Locals were encouraged to enter submissions that follow that theme.

Eight UNA locals submitted multiple entries in 6 of the 8 challenge categories. Judging was conducted by an external judge, Dana DiTamaso, President and Partner at Kick Point, an Edmonton-based digital marketing agency.

Entries were accepted from or on behalf of locals in four categories organized by local membership size:

2023 Nurses Week Member Engagement Challenge Winners

Best Poster (Local with fewer than 400 members)

Winner: Local 96 (Northern Lights Regional Health Centre)

Best Poster (Local with more than 400 members)

Winner: Local 196 (Edmonton Community)

Best photo (Local with fewer than 400 members)

Winner: Local 77 (George McDougall Memorial Health Centre - Smoky Lake)

Best photo (Local with more than 400 members)

Winner: Local 121 (Rockyview General Hospital)

Best online meme (Local with more than 400 members)

Winner: Local 11 (Misericordia Community Hospital)

Best online video (Local with more than 400 members)

Winner: Local 1 (Peter Lougheed Centre)

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the locals that submitted entries into this year’s challenge. The award winning submissions will be shared on UNA's social media and on UNA's Zimbra Forums.

Locals involved with the winning submissions were presented with a special award certificate and had their submissions shown at the UNA's AGM. Locals were allowed to submit multiple submissions in each category. Locals are encouraged to recognize the members who participated in the creation of their submissions.

UNA members employed at Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre ratify new contract with Carewest

Members of United Nurses of Alberta employed by Carewest at the Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre in Calgary have voted to ratify their first collective agreement. UNA congratulates and thanks the Local and bargaining team members for their hard-work and solidarity during these negotiations. UNA recognizes the hard work that the members did in getting the word out and canvassing their coworkers during this process.